
Hi, my name's Lucas and I am a 22 year old University of Cumbria graduate, having finished my "BA (Hons) Digital Arts" towards the end of June 2016. My passion is, undoubtedly, art driven and, as previously mentioned, I thoroughly enjoy designing a variety of things revolving around weaponry, armour or pretty much anything mechanical.

Whilst I specialize myself in 2D work, predominately digital painting and 2D animation, I am also trained in 3D modelling, texturing and rigging, as well as level design. For reference, I am competent in the following programs:

-3ds Max


-Unreal Engine 3/4



Outside of education, I am an avid gamer and play a variety of different genres, usually revolving around 'First-Person Shooters' or Role-playing Games and my art occasionally pays homage to series I enjoy as well as any original characters and narratives I design for myself.

If you would like to see my education in detail, or to download a full .PDF version of my CV, please click this link

If you would like to contact me, you can find my e-mail and alternative methods of contact here